Swipe File: https://www.hardtofindseminars.com/aboutme.htm

 I’m a major Sci-Fi and Fantasy geek with a mild obsession with comic books. A bit introverted, have always done the opposite of the masses and LOVE the great outdoors.

I absolutely love the great outdoors, I'm a ferocious bookworm, chocolate is my sweetest indulgence, and I’m fascinated with the human mind.

The birth of my second son, in 2015, inspired me to go in a completely different direction with my business. I decided to overhaul my business after taking a two year self care sabbatical.

I had to learn how to be a mother of a small child while growing a successful online business without losing my mind.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

It was mid 2016.

I returned to my business after a two year sabbatical and a new baby.

After about a month of getting back into my work, I came to the realization that I was no longer aligned with the business I had built.

Even though I had an existing email list, network and an audience from my business prior to taking my two year hiatus, they were no longer the people I wanted to help.

I decided to burn my business to the ground and start from scratch.

No, I was NOT having a breakdown.

A risk taker of my type LOVES a clean slate.

It takes the pressure off.

Goodbye to unnecessary baggage.

So, I was literally starting from ground ZERO!

I needed to:

▪Build a new audience of people who resonated with my content.

▪Grow an email list of QUALITY people who would be happy to invest in my offers.

▪Amplify my visibility online and stand out to attract my dream clients and customers.

▪Expand my network and collaborate with driven people who are also doing incredible things and making a positive impact in the world.

Over the next few months, I began to build.

But the build was as sloooowwww as molasses.

I attracted new clients but I KNEW I needed to level up on what I was doing.

December 2016, I had enough.

I decided to go all in with what I had discovered back in 2013 and do it at a BIGGER scale.

What I discovered in 2013 was a reliable and PROVEN way to quickly turn ANY new or established coaching, consulting, healing or service based business around.

And this reliable and PROVEN way will essentially knock out ALL obstacles to grow your business fast.


For over a decade, it’s been my life's work activating coaches, consultants, and healers to raise their standards and build 6 figure+ empires aligned with their mission, vision, and personality.

Nothing and I mean NOTHING is more fulfilling to me than seeing my clients make money with ease while designing their version of an incredible life doing what they love.

The people I work with have the passion, the drive, the commitment, and the belief to make their dreams come true, no matter what.

They know they were born to impact lives and live a life beyond mediocrity.

If you're feeling discouraged right now because your business isn't where you desire it to be, don't ever think that you have to settle for your current circumstances.

Make a decision right now to ditch the struggle.

It does NOT have to be complicated to consistently make an impact, attract clients and generate consistent cash flow.

I developed one of the most effective client attraction methodologies in existence to remove unnecessary complexity when it comes to marketing, sales, and building a rock-solid foundation for your business.

The best part is that it aligns with your mission, vision, and personality.

The time is NOW for you to go all in and create the life of your dreams.

Ready to honor your calling?

DM me to found out how we can possibly work together.

My Life Then…

Before I started my business, I spent a lot of years feeling unhappy and unfulfilled. I was in a state of not truly loving myself. I was stuck in a life that had no meaning and purpose.

I left the corporate world in 2008 and I have no regrets. I started my own business out of pure desperation. I was in a terrible place mentally, physically, and financially.

Damn, it wasn’t easy.

I had doubts.

I had struggles.

I had a million set backs. But you know what?

I didn't let that stop me from designing a beautiful life doing what I love, earn consistent income using my gifts, and making a positive impact in the lives of women around the world.

It wasn’t until 2013 that I experienced rapid growth and larger success from collaborating with other entrepreneurs. 

Pushing through my fears, self doubt, and lack of confidence allowed me to discover a new world of possibilities and live a different life as a woman, mother, and entrepreneur.

I mastered and perfected a few specific marketing and collaborative strategies that one of my mentors introduced to me. I applied what I learned, added my own unique twist, and everything changed…FAST.

In 2008, I built my1 first online business from the ground up while on mandatory bed rest for almost a year! I didn’t have prior experience, knowledge, or connections in the entrepreneurial world.

My near death experience allowed me to discover a new world of possibilities and live a different life as an entrepreneur.

A wonderful life of selflessness, love, and freedom.

It snapped me out of a life of drug abuse, pain, misery, and unhappiness. I don’t regret the things that I’ve done in the past.

I’m forever grateful for my wake up call because I wouldn’t have grown into the woman I am today.

Before I started my business, I spent a lot of years feeling unhappy and unfulfilled.

I was in a state of not truly loving myself.

I was stuck in a life that had no meaning and purpose.

Pushing through my fears, self doubt, and lack of confidence allowed me to discover a new world of possibilities and live a different life as a woman, mother, and entrepreneur.

I had doubts. I had struggles. I had a million set backs.

But you know what?

I didn't let that stop me from designing a beautiful life doing what I love, earn consistent income using my gifts, and making a positive impact in the lives of women around the world.

Today, I live an INCREDIBLE life!

I won’t settle for anything less.

And neither should you.

My Life Now…

I currently live in one of my dream destinations, Colorado, with my love and our youngest human. And we have three fur babies.

I constantly surround myself with people who challenge my way of thinking, so I can tap into more of my potential and use it to help more people.

It’s been 12 years since I started my journey as an entrepreneur.

Never would I have thought that I would be running the business of my dreams only doing the work I LOVE and I get to do it on my terms.

The women I work with are visionaries, high achievers, ambitious, driven and recognize they have unique gifts and talents that can transform lives.

They’re not afraid to do the work to create an incredible life and business for themselves.

They also realize that a successful business isn't built alone.

They value receiving a high level of support to achieve their goals.

They make it a priority to invest their time, money and energy into designing an incredible business and life.

They trust me enough to share some of their most vulnerable moments.

I don’t take that trust for granted.

There are days when I pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming.

Currently, I live in one of my dream destinations doing the things that excite me– inspiring, motivating, and educating women around the world design their entrepreneurial dreams!

I won’t settle for anything less.

And neither should you.

REVISE - I feel so blessed that this is the lifestyle I get to live... And it’s all because I followed my intuition and took a leap of faith over 11 years ago to face my fears, hire a mentor, and start building a business online… and I haven’t looked back since 😉

In case you didn’t know, I’ve made hundreds of videos, created and launched my own virtual courses and membership communities (doing multiple 6 figure+ launches), and established myself as a leader in my field.
And most importantly, I get to share the messages in my heart that I believe in, inspire people from all over the world, help more and more people free themselves and live their purpose, and do my part to raise the consciousness of the planet.
I’m sharing all of this today because I want to inspire you to know what’s possible… that you absolutely can create an online business that fulfills your purpose and gives you the freedom and abundance to live the life you want to be living (if that’s what you want, of course 😉) And ultimately, I want you to know that your wisdom, knowledge, talents, skills, voice, perspectives… they MATTER. A lot. In fact, the world needs what you have to offer now more than ever.
It’s been so rewarding for me to help my clients get clarity, discover their gifts, develop their content, grow their following, and create and launch their own online programs, courses, membership sites, and more… making income doing what they love and living their purpose.

If this is something you’re interested in... and you’d like to explore the possibility of working together... Send me a direct message. ** I currently have 2 private mentorship spots opening up ** Wherever you’re at, whatever your dreams are, now’s the time to make it happen. No more holding back, no more waiting. You’re ready now. The world is waiting...

My Life’s Work & Mission

I founded Unleash Your Ambition to represent driven entrepreneurs who've decided to unlock even more of their greatness, monetize their unique gifts, and design their version of an incredible life.

For over a decade, it’s been my mission to empower women to become energetically aligned with how they build an audience, sell their offers, and share their message to expand their businesses to six figures and beyond.

I’m committed to helping the people I work with design a simple client or customer attraction process for their businesses that's aligned with their mission, vision, and personality.

They do this a way that's aligned with their mission, vision, and personality.

The transformational work we do together is way deeper than soul aligned marketing and sales strategies.

They invest to unleash even more of their potential and brilliance that they're unable to access alone.

They invest to help breakthrough excuses and limiting beliefs standing in the way of the goals they want to accomplish.

They invest to eliminate blind spots and want someone qualified who understands their vision to be on the outside looking in.

They invest to expand their way of thinking because they REFUSE to live a life that doesn't set their soul on fire.

As a Marketing Expert and Business Strategist, I help high achieving coaches, consultants, and healers put themselves first so they can design an incredible life doing what they love.

More specifically, I help them magnetize their dream clients and customers to create consistent $10K+ months with the Attract. Engage. Profit! Framework™️.

My methodology gives you freedom to market your business and monetize your offers in a way that’s aligned with your unique vision, mission and personality.

It's crucial for your uniqueness to flow through EVERYTHING you do in your business.

Best of all, this framework can be used for any stage of your business.

What sets my business apart from others is that I developed a methodology to illuminate and eliminate holes in a business model known as the Attract. Engage. Profit! Framework™️.

The Attract. Engage. Profit! Framework™️ is not the latest marketing trend or tactic.

And it’s not like anything you may have heard or been taught in the digital marketing space.

Another thing that sets my business apart is our programs help entrepreneurs design a unique marketing and sales process that's aligned with their mission, vision, and personality.

3 Ways We Can Work Together

You’ve made it this far down the page, so I must have gotten your attention. 

In order to achieve your goals, you must TRUST YOURSELF and make decisions that are in alignment with the results you want experience.

Sometimes it's pretty difficult to do this alone because it's uncharted territory.

Building a soul aligned business can be difficult, extremely uncomfortable at times BUT when things feel tough, trust and believe in yourself.

Where I’ve Been Featured

My very first co-authored book, Bold is Beautiful, became an International Bestseller in a matter of hours in 2013!

Do you know how my dream of becoming a Bestselling Author turned into a reality?

It happened because 27 amazing entrepreneurial women and I used the power of collaboration to create and publish this book. Psst.. That’s a perfect example of collaboration at its finest.

My podcast, Reach Your Next Level of Greatness, was recognized as one of the Top 100 Small Business Podcasts in Small Business Trends 2014 Edition. I began attracting a lot of attention through new and traditional media outlets.

My second co-authored book, The Better Business Book (Volume 2), became an International Bestseller in 2017! The result of collaborating with success driven entrepreneurs.

My expertise and life experiences have been showcased in The Huffington PostThrive GlobalJournal Media, Voyage Denver, Funnel Magazine, Ambitious Entrepreneur Network, Women on Business, Evan Carmichael, Medium and Morpheus just to name a few. 
